Oceaneering Australia Pty Limited


Perth Inspection Facility

Accreditation No.


Site No.


Date of Accreditation

01 Jun 2017


634 Karel Avenue
Jandakot, WA 6164




Type C Inspection Body

Scope of Accreditation

Perth Inspection Facility

ISO/IEC 17020 (2012)

Infrastructure and Asset Integrity

Service Product Determinant Procedure Limitations


Evaluation of height safety equipment and systems
Fixed lanyards; Harnesses In-service inspection In-house procedures covering relevant Australian Standards, and client specifications


Evaluation of load generating lifting appliances
Lifting devices In-service inspection; Testing

Covering standards, codes and specifications addressing the service, including AS 1418.2 and In-house procedures covering relevant Australian Standards.

Load testing limited to serial hoists and winches
Covering Oceaneering lifting and lifted equipment inspections nationally


Evaluation of load handling, rigging and tensioning systems
Anchorages and holding points; Rigging; Rigging components In-service inspection; Testing

In-house procedures covering relevant Australian Standards and client specification

Anchorages and holding points limited to pad-eyes and attachments

Load testing limited to pad-eyes and attachments
Covering Oceaneering lifting and lifted equipment inspections nationally
Lifted equipment In-service inspection; Testing

In-house procedures covering ISO 10855-3 and AS EN 12079.3, DNVGL-ST-E271, client specifications, 

In-house procedure WI-PT-004 covering relevant standards for proof load testing

Lifted equipment limited to offshore transport containers, Cargo Carrying Units (CCU) and Container Safety Convention (CSC) Containers and their associated rigging

Load testing of Cargo Carrying Units (CCU) only
Covering Oceaneering lifting and lifted equipment inspections nationally
Lifted equipment; Rigging Witnessing

Client specification as per in-house work instruction Loadout-001

Pre-load out visual inspection of offshore cargo carrying units (CCU), loose slung cargo and loaded pallets prior to shipment

Covering Oceaneering lifting and lifted equipment inspections nationally

The only data displayed is that deemed relevant and necessary for the clear description of the activities and services covered by the scope of accreditation.

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